Minggu, 22 Januari 2012


this is a one of the romantic songs by simple plan. i love this song. and i believe, you guys will love this song too, after listen to the song. enjoy :)

Can anybody hear me?
Am I talking to myself?
My mind is running empty
In the search for someone else
Who doesn’t look right through me.
It’s all just static in my head
Can anybody tell me why I’m lonely like a satellite?

Cause tonight I’m feeling like an astronaut
Sending SOS from this tiny box
And I lost all signal when I lifted up
Now I’m stuck out here and the world forgot
Can I please come down, cause I’m tired of drifting round and round
Can I please come down?

I’m deaf from all the silence
Is it something that I’ve done?
I know that there are millions
I can’t be the only one who’s so disconnected
It’s so different in my head.
Can anybody tell me why I’m lonely like a satellite?

‘Cause tonight I’m feeling like an astronaut
Sending SOS from this tiny box
And I lost all signal when I lifted up
Now I’m stuck out here and the world forgot
Can I please come down, cause I’m tired of drifting round and round
Can I please come down?

Now I lie awake and scream in a zero gravity
And it’s starting to weigh down on me.
Let’s abort this mission now
Can I please come down?

So tonight I’m calling all astronauts
Calling lonely people that the world forgot
If you hear my voice come pick me up
Are you out there?
‘Cause you’re all I’ve got!

‘Cause tonight I’m feeling like an astronaut
Sending SOS from this tiny box
And I lost all signal when I lifted up
Now I’m stuck out here and the world forgot

‘Cause tonight I’m feeling like an astronaut
Sending SOS from this tiny box
To the lonely people that the world forgot
Are you out there?
‘Cause you’re all I’ve got!

Can I please come down?
‘Cause I’m tired of drifting round and round.
Can I please come down?

source: google

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012


very excited yeaaaaah. cuz last wednesday on January 18, me and my sister and my friends just saw a damn cool concert by bigdaddy. ya, that's Get Your Heart On tour in Jakarta and Surabaya. you know who is the guest staaar? yeah, like the name, they are @simpleplan!!! siapa sih yang gak excited liat simple plan live di depan mata? just a fool person who call simple plan just a ordinary band. mereka itu bukan ordinary, tapi extraordinary. 
kita semua menikmati sekali lagu-lagu yang mereka bawakan. with the first song 'SHUT UP' , membuka semangat kita semua buat jingkrak-jingkrak gak karuan. masa bodoh banget lah sama yang lain. semua beban di kepala itu rasanya ilang dalam seketika. banyak lagu yang mereka bawain dan semuanya keren-keren. banget. mereka selalu berusaha buat nyapa kita semua lewat kata-kata 'Piye Kabare?' 'Halo Surabaya' dan gak biasa-biasa nih, pada saat mereka ngomong 'thankyou' yang itu adalah bahasa inggris, mereka ngomongnya bukan thankyou, tapi "Matur Suwun' kebayang orang bule ngomong bahasa jawa ngok. hahaha. ada satu hal yang menakjubkan lagi, si Pierre a.k.a vokalist simple plan, ngucapin 'WANI PIRO' waktu semua audience request mereka buat bawain lagu perfect, oh my god, itu berkesan banget. sayang, waktu itu aku lagi nggak pegang handphone buat ngabadiin huhu. semua personil simple plan hobbynya bercanda lo, mereka semua supel, rame, and so crazy. semua deh semua, tanpa terkecuali. di sela-sela nyanyi mereka juga sempet nyeselin lirik lagu 'that's to night gonna be a good night' dan juga dynamite by Taio Cruz. lagu-lagu yang mereka bawain antara lain : Shut Up, Cant keep my hands off you, jump , when im gone, my alien, you suck at love, your love is lie, astrounaut, summer paradise, jetlag, i'd do anything, welcome to my life, im just a kid, loser of the year, thankyou, addicted, this song saved my life.
konsernya ditutup pake lagu perfect, sedih bangeeet. pengen nangis karena gak rela kalo konsernya abis. 
aaaa rasanya pengen ngulang itu semua lagi. reallyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! tapi yaa apadaya laah, tinggal tunggu waktu mereka balik lagi untuk ke-tiga kalinya ajaaah huhuhu.by the way, aku nggak share foto atau video, cuz foto dan video yang ada di handphone aku gambarku burek aliasa gak jelas. dikit banget yang jelas. it's much better kalo kalian liat lewat youtube aja, disitu udah di share rekaman duet mautnya Pierre sn Tantri Kotak :) . hahaha so damn cool and rock! 
okey guys, cuman bisa berbagi kebahagiaan itu aja sih. karna kalo dicritain dari awal sampe abis, bisa nggak tidur 7hari nih hahaha. 
bye people and bye ASTRONAUT!!! LOVE SIMPLEPLAN <3<3

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012